http://www.mse.org.tw/ 台湾海峡两岸医疗事务交流协会
台湾海峡两岸医疗事务交流协会 807 高雄市三民区九如二路597号8楼之3
2016年12月16日上午,两岸养老文化与产业发展论坛在威海市隆重开幕。来自海峡两岸的专家学者,养老产业界嘉宾,两岸有关媒体朋友,共计100多人参加了开幕式。   本届论坛由《两岸关系》杂志社、威海市民政局、威海市台办主办,台湾海峡两岸医疗事务交流协会、威海两岸银发族健康城有限公司、台北市长期照护发展协会、台湾祥宝长期照顾集团协办。论坛上,与会人员围绕“探讨威台两地养老文化产业融合发展”这一主题,就两岸养老服务体系建构与经验分享、威台两地健康产业合作前景、健康养老专案及业务人才对接等议题进行了交流讨论,大家共话两岸养老文化,共同探讨养老产业的合作前景,现场气氛热烈。   市民政局局长栾波在致辞中介绍了威海健康养老文化及产业发展情况。他表示,作为全国健康城市试点城市,威海市正在充分利用优越的自然生态资源,将医疗资源与养老资源相结合,大力发展医养结合型养老模式。两岸同胞一家亲,开展两岸养老文化交流,推进两岸养老产业合作发展,不仅能充实和丰富两岸交流的内涵,更能为两岸同胞创造实实在在的福祉。希望威台两地共同努力,积极加强养老文化交流,繁荣养老产业发展,为共同应对老龄化挑战,为切实增加两岸同胞福祉作出积极贡献。   台湾海峡两岸医疗事务交流协会会长吴一昌在致辞中表示,作为炎黄子孙,两岸血脉同源,文化同根,中华民族向来就有尊老爱老敬老养老的传统美德,如何继承弘扬中华民族传统养老文化,照顾好长辈晚年的生活,满足长辈晚年的需求,是两岸关注的热点,也是重大的民生问题。希望本次论坛能够与大陆朋友相互交流与分享养老产业的经验,期盼两岸的长辈们能在先进的养老照护与政策下共用幸福晚年生活。吴一昌会长致词演说   论坛期间,台湾客人还考察了威海祥福家社区养老服务中心、威海市居家服务呼叫中心、威海天伦苑、东发老年公寓等健康养机构,参观了威海刘公岛海峡两岸交流基地、城市规划展览馆、环翠楼公园以及市容市貌。  参与此次论坛之台湾代表合照 http://www.mse.org.tw/hot_300530.html 第二届两岸养老文化及产业发展论坛威海开幕 2024-04-24 2025-04-24
台湾海峡两岸医疗事务交流协会 807 高雄市三民区九如二路597号8楼之3 http://www.mse.org.tw/hot_300530.html
台湾海峡两岸医疗事务交流协会 807 高雄市三民区九如二路597号8楼之3 http://www.mse.org.tw/hot_300530.html
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2016-06-03 诺奖得主医学峰会


2016529日,2007年诺贝尔奖经济学奖获得者Eric S. Maskin(埃里克·马斯金)受诺贝尔奖获得者医学峰会组委会邀请,参加京交会并在中医药科技创新论坛发表了演讲,演讲结束后接受了来自中国国际广播电台(CRI)的采访。采访围绕经济学与现代医学的关联,经济结构如何促进医疗结构的发展进行了深入的探讨,以下是来自中国国际广播电台(CRI)与埃里克·马斯金的对话。


Eric S. Maskin 接受CRI专访



CRI: I have a distinguished guest in the studio, Mr. Eric Maskin, American economist and 2007 Nobel Prize winner for Eeconomics. He won the Nobel Prize for hiswork onMechanism Design Theory, a special form of Game Theory that attempts to maximize gains for all parties within markets. I hope I have explained it correctly. Thanks for joining us, Mr. Maskin.



CRIMr. Maskin, this time you are here to attend a healthcare-related conference. I think a lot of people might just wonder what does an economist do at a medical forum. So please tell us about the event and the things you are doing there.



EricWell, as an economist, I am interested in economic constitutions which can help promote medical technology. One important tool in medicine is the use of drugs or medicines in various kinds. These are typically expensive to invent. And if you want to invent a new drug, you have to put in aninvestment of time, energy and money. And so economists want to study under what circumstances inventors will be willing to make such investments. And that is what I talked about in the conference.



Eric S. Maskin 在会场进行发言



CRI So what was the main idea that you gave in your presentation there?



EricThere is an old idea that in order to protect inventors from imitation, they need to be awardedsome intellectual property rights, such as patents. If I have a patent in my discovery that prevents you from imitating, and so it helps me get back the investments that I’ve made in developing that invention. But in the talk, I was suggesting that there are some circumstances where patents can actually be counterproductive. And that was the main focus of my talk to say that in some kinds of industries we do not actually benefit as a society from awarding patent protection to innovators. We are better off if imitation can occur.





Eric S. Maskin 接受CRI专访


CRI I know you are very famous for your theory on patents. You suggestedthat some patents will inhibit innovation rather than stimulate progress. I actually find your own words on Wikipedia, a magic website that patent protection may reduce overall innovation and social welfare. Here in China, we areall emphasizing the importance of patent protection, IPR protection. So you’d better give us some examples.



EricWell, let me say, first thatI’m not arguing against all patent protection. But in some industries, innovation tends to be sequential. That means that each discovery builds on a last one, and in order to make progress, we have to take many small steps instead of a few big steps. In industries where innovation is sequential, then patents can actually interfere with innovation. If I’ve made a discovery, and I put patents on it that makes it hard for you to build on what I’ve done and take thenext step because I can block your improvements. And that might be good for me, but it’s not going to begood for you and it may not begood for society, because society will be deprived of the improvement that you make on my discovery.




Eric S. Maskin 在专访间回答主持人问题


CRIYes, if I want to stand on the shoulders of a giant, it’s impossible. Because thegiant won’t let you tostand on his shoulders. I can see that. But still for other people, it’s a reasonable demand that they get patented. How can you solve this conflict?



EricYou have to decide which industries are truly sequential,and which are not. If anindustry does not involve sequential innovation, if it takes the form of unique big discoveries, then patent protection probably is important to safeguard innovation. But if an industry, andI think software is a good example of this,and maybe pharmaceutic alsalso, if innovation is highly sequential, then patents might be a bad idea. So rather than having a policy where you always give patents or you never give patents, you need a more discriminating policy which distinguishes different industries from each other.




诺贝尔奖获得者医学峰会组委会工作人员、Eric S. Maskin CRI主持人 合影


CRIYou are a Nobel laureate and we really want to understand your theory. Can you please explain verybrieflyin layman'term about your Game Theory? We want to learn, we want to know about it.



EricI’m contributed to a field, a part of the game theoretical mechanism design. In mechanism design, we start with some particular goals that we want to achieve, the society wants to achieve, then we try to figure out what mechanism, what game or what institution will best achieve those goals. I can give a little example if you like. Suppose that you have a cake, that you want to divide between two children. And your goal is to make sure that each child is happy with the piece that he or she gets. So first child prefers his own piece to the second child’s piece and vice versa. How do you achieve that goal? (Cut it in half?) That sounds good, but theproblem is that you don’t know how the children do the cake themselves. So you might think you cut the cake exactly in half, but the children might disagree. How do you proceed if you don’t know how the children feel the cake? That’s mechanism design. So it turns out that there is a very simple but very ingenious solution to this problem. It’s called the Divide and Choose Mechanism where one child cuts the cake and the other child chooses which piece she wants for herself. And this works because the child who cuts the cake knows that the two pieces are unequal, the other child will take the big one.That’s the kind of idea that we use in Mechanism Design Theory--how do you achieve a fare outcome or a desirable outcome when we don’t know how the participants themselves view the possibilities.




Eric S. Maskin2014年诺贝尔奖获得者医学峰会上做主题发言


CRIYou participated in the 2014 World Nobel Prize Laureate Summit and gave a plenary talk at the meeting. What’s your memory about this event?



EricI was here in Beijing for the 2014 Nobel Prize Laureate Summit two years ago. And I met many Chinese traditional medicine doctors and scientists. I was impressed with the TCM theory and clinical practice. Last year Dr. Youyou Tu, a TCM scientist won China's first Nobel Prize on natural sciences. I do believe that modern TCM will join the main stream of world biomedical sciences and have a great future.



CRIYou’ve explained your theory in a very simple way, easy to understand, but sadly we don’t have enough time to go deeply into that. Thank you very much for your time here and for your views.





